How does it feel to be told  that deep down

you have all the answers you need?

Chasity Wick

Life & Leadership Coach 

My passion is empowering & supporting individuals, leaders, and business owners in taking their lives and careers to the next level in a balanced approach. 
I believe in by coaching people as a whole person, not just one area of their life, because it’s truly all connected.
My coaching style is collaborative, curious, direct, and goal oriented, providing the support needed for individuals and their organizations to thrive.
As a neurodivergent leader myself, I love working with other neurodivergent adults and I have a talent for coaching them in a manner that works with, rather than against, the particular ways their brains operate and the unique challenges they face.
After my own bad experience with a coach I hired for myself, I set out to create a safe and accepting coaching space for others.


Explore Working With Me 

Services I Offer

Leadership & Executive Coaching

Working with neurodivergent leaders, executives, and business owners, my goal is to enhancing leadership performance and development in a way that works with, rather than against, your unique and creative brain.

1:1 Coaching

My classic one-on-one coaching container is where my clients get the most focused, personal attention from me. We work together to get crystal clear on what it is you want, what is standing in your way, and what it would take to get you where you want to be.

Group Coaching 

My approach to group coaching is to ask provocative, open-ended questions that invite participants to open up and share with each other, allowing participants to benefit from the collective wisdom of the group as well as from me.

Let’s Work Together 

Together we will break down what it is you want and apply simple strategies to one area at a time, decreasing the overwhelm that comes with making changes and tackling goals, and increasing your likelihood of success.

Benefits of working with me

  • Increased courage and confidence
  • More self-acceptance
  • Positive shifts in mindset
  • Easier time setting and achieving goals
  • Decrease in overwhelm
  • Removal of limiting beliefs 
  • Elimination of self-doubt and inauthenticity

Get Started Now

I support you in setting goals and  removing blocks, so you can finally achieve what it is you really want.

Client Testimonials


“Chasity’s infectious optimism and enthusiasm for coaching makes sessions with her not only incredibly valuable, but genuinely enjoyable. She offers excellent insight and suggestions when I get stuck, but very much gives me control of my sessions. She’s helped me create systems that work with my ADHD, not against it, supported me in overcoming obstacles, helps me follow my business ideas, offers clarity when I get stuck, and guides me to the place I want to be by asking intelligent, effective questions. As a result, I’m seeing major growth in my own coaching business! “

Deana Tanner

Lisa C.

I joined Chasity’s ADHD group coaching program to receive support coping with and understanding my ADHD. In addition to leaving with new tools to better manage my task paralysis and feelings of overwhelm, I also gained more acceptance of how I am and the way my brain works. I love the connections I made with other group members, and these new feelings of peace and self-acceptance. Chasity created an inviting, safe space for us to exist just as we are, and actively listened to our needs. I’ll definitely recommend her group to others with ADHD, and I’m excited to say I’ll be in her next group as well!”

Lisa C. 


“Chasity’s unique knowledge, experience, and willingness to have uncomfortable conversations has pushed me to make choices that have changed my life for the better. She helped me determine for myself what I want from my journey and pushed me to set and meet my goals. Weekly meetings with Chasity are like a big hit of serotonin – I walk away feeling stable, joyful, and motivated. Investing in yourself is always worth it, and making the choice to invest in yourself with the help of Chasity will payoff tenfold.”

Amanda M.

lisa B.

“Chasity coached me for several months regarding starting my own coaching business. With her coaching, I was able to identify how my mindset was blocking me from building my business. As a trained life coach myself, was skeptical I would get anything from coaching with someone else that I couldn’t figure out on my own. Yet Chasity’s third level listening skills, non-judgmental evocative questioning, and her requests for forward action led to more personal growth than I could have imagined. I am well on my way to building my business! Thank you, Chasity.”

Lisa M. Hazlett Burton

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