Hi, I’m Chasity!

ABOUT ME: I’m a queer, neurodivergent life coach, mom of two amazing kids, recently remarried and living a life that I love in Austin, Texas. For a long time I thought I lacked the ability to commit to a job for longer than just a couple of years, but now I know better. I’m multi-passionate with a strong entrepreneurial spirit and knack for connecting with people on a deep level, and it just took me a while to figure out what I was meant to be doing. 

I graduated with a bachelor’s degree in psychology because I love learning about the way humans operate and what contributes to us being us. I didn’t end up pursuing anything directly related to psychology after college, but once I hit my 30s I became known for giving great advice, being able to see all perspectives in a situation, and knowing just what to say in difficult conversations. In 2019 my own therapist explicitly told me that I should consider going back to school because I possessed all the qualities of a great therapist, and I seriously considered it. I had several friends who were therapists at the time and they all suggested that I would enjoy life coaching even more.

In 2020, when all of our lives got turned upside down, I enrolled at the Institute for Life Coach Training and it turns out my friends were right – I love it. I love that coaching allows me to cultivate a more personal connection with clients, giving me the ability to see the big picture and highlight connections across different areas of their life. I love that I’m not the expert giving advice – instead I’m helping clients tap into their inner wisdom, lean into their strengths, and identify their true desires. I have the gift of being able to help them change their inner monologue and cultivate feelings of acceptance and enoughness, so they’re able to embody true confidence while going after what they want.

I was diagnosed with ADHD in my mid-30s and when I read the list of symptoms I immediately felt a strong sense of relief. I had spent decades asking myself questions like, “Why can’t I just…?” and, “Why do I always…?” Finding out my experiences are completely normal for those with ADHD allowed me to let go of so much shame and really lean into my strengths. 

It can be so hard to be vulnerable as a human, and especially as a neurodivergent human. After my own bad experience with a coach I had hired for myself I set out to create a safer coaching space for others who are like me. As a bonus, I discovered I LOVE working with other neurodivergent adults and I have a talent for coaching them in a manner that works with, rather than against, the particular ways their brains operate and the unique challenges they face.

MY COACHING STYLE: My passion is empowering and supporting clients in taking their lives and careers to the next level in a balanced approach. I coach them as a whole person, not just one area of their life, because it’s truly all connected. My coaching style is collaborative, curious, direct, and goal oriented, providing the support needed for individuals and their organizations to thrive. As a neurodivergent professional myself, I have an affinity for coaching neurodivergent leaders in a way that works with, rather than against, the particular ways their brains operate and the unique challenges they face. 

My clients love the way I use third-level listening and evocative questioning to gather more information about what it is they really want. From here, we talk about the different struggles they’re dealing with, notice how some of them are connected, and break it all down into pieces that feel manageable.  We discuss blocks that may be getting in their way, and collaborate on how to shift their mindset and remove those blocks, so they make forward movement & can see an impact right away.

To date I have over 150 hours of client coaching experience and have completed 107 hours of coach training, including: 

  • Executive Coaching
  • Leadership Coaching
  • Methods and Dynamics of Group Coaching
  • Foundations in Coaching
  • ICF Core Competencies
  • Change Your Questions, Change Your Results
  • Awaken Your Client’s Heart Magnet. 

Other valuable life experience that directly impacts the quality of coaching I provide:

  • Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology
  • Founding member and executive leader in my collegiate sorority
  • Traveling Leadership Consultant for my sorority’s national organization (coached collegiate women across the country on personal growth and development, upholding the values of our national organization, and improving chapter leadership & functionality)
  • I have worked at law firms, real estate offices, promotional products companies, and have been an entrepreneur in one way or another since 2012.


In 2022 I had the opportunity to be a surrogate for two amazing dads, and it was one of the most rewarding and fulfilling experiences of my life! This is us with the baby when he was 7 days old! 



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